Create New Shipment

1. When you are in the Input Specification Window, you can click the
in the Toolbar.

2. Enter shipment details:

and Currency (show on bottom panel of Input Specification)

click on in the toolbar to save Shipment details

3. Enter containers to shipment:


You have 2 ways to add containers to shipment by


1) Choose from container database by click in Container list or from left menu

then choose container, enter quantity and click or you can double click on contaner to add to Container List

2) Add direct to shipment

click on in Container list then new container window will appear

Then define follow details

Container ID is a user definable unique code for each container.
Container Description is a user definable description for each cotainer.
Inside Depth is defined as dimension of container from inside back to inside front.
Inside Width is defined as dimension of container from inside left to inside right.
Inside Height is defined as dimension of container from inside bottom to inside top.
Volume Capacity (Calculated field)
Weight Capacity is defined as maximum weight capacity of container.
Quantity is quantity of container

then click on to save and click on to close container window.

Repeat step 3 if you want to add more containers.

*** If you want to edit container details in Container list, please right click on Container ID in Container list then choose Edit data, Container details window will appear.

4. Enter cargos to shipment:


You have 2 ways to add cargo to shipment by

1) Choose from cargo database by click in Cargo list or
from left menu

then choose cargo, enter sequence, quantity and Unit Price then click or you can double click on cargo to add to Cargo List

2) Add direct to shipment

click on in Cargo list then new cargo window will appear

Then define follow details

SKU# is a user definable unique code for each cargo.
Name is a user definable name for each cargo.
is a user definable description for each cargo item.
is defined as dimension of cargo from back to front.
Width is defined as dimension of cargo from left to right.
Height is defined as dimension of cargo from bottom to top.
Weight is defined as weight of cargo.
is number of products per cargo (carton).
Max Stack
is the maximum number of cargo that can be stacted on top of each

Orientatation is the six different ways in which a cargo can be loaded.
Color, Color is used for easier recognition. Color is created by mixing from the range of 3 standard RGB colors or by choosing from the color dialog option or selected randomly.
Cargo type
, type of cargo between Box and Pallet.
No other product on top
is use to allow, or not allow other cargo to be placed on top of this cargo.
Must be on the floor
allows the user to select that the specific cargo will only be placed on the floor.
Sequence is priotity number for FILO or Sequence loading (default = 1)
is quantity of cargo
Unit price is unit price of product

then click on to save and click on to close cargo window.

Repeat step 4 if you want to add more cargos.

*** If you want to edit cargo details in Cargo list, please right click on Cargo ID in Cargo list then choose Edit data, Cargo details window will appear.

5. You can check percentage of Volume and Weight of Cargos per Containers by view 2 vertical bars (Red = Volume, Green = Weight)

6. Save shipment to database by click the in the Toolbar.