Carton Designer

Carton Designer is feature used to design boxes or cartons for products.



User can define details as folow :



Product Detail




Package Detail

Pack (quantity per carton)
Layout (layout and number of product per layer)

Height ((number of layers, automatically calculated from Pack and Layout)

Where a Pack is out of balance with the Layout (e.g. sample pack = 16 pcs./box, Layout = 4 x 3 = 12 pcs. per layer), the software will show the warning message "Unbalance"


Rotate button, used to control the orientation of products when orientation cargo is required.


Paper Detail
, use to define thickness of material for use to make carton


Package Weight

Bottom menu has details as follow :


Help, use to open Carton Designer help topics
Send to Cargo Database, use to send carton details to Cargo Database
Use simple size, use to convert size of carton to a simple size (decimals are rounded up).
Save as picture, use to save layout picture as picture file.
Partitions, use to define partitions in carton.



User can define the size of partitions - both Internal partition (between product and product) and External partition (between product and carton).